November 09, 2003




Fer Guimaraes Rosa - November 9, 2003 01:15 PM

If a system is administered wisely,
Öits users will be content.
They enjoy hacking their code
and don't waste time implementing
labor-saving shell scripts.
Since they dearly love their accounts,
they aren't interested in other machines.
There may be telnet, rlogin, and ftp,
esbut these don't access any hosts.
There may be an arsenal of cracks and malware,
but nobody ever uses them.
People enjoy reading their mail,
take pleasure in being with their newsgroups,
spend weekends working at their terminals,
delight in the doings at the site.
And even though the next system is so close
that users can hear its key clicks and biff beeps,
they are content to die of old age
without ever having gone to see it.
buy cialis I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody. It doesn't generate revenue.
-- Dave '-ddt->` Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux
cialis If a system is administered wisely,
Öits users will be content.
They enjoy hacking their code
and don't waste time implementing
labor-saving shell scripts.
Since they dearly love their accounts,
they aren't interested in other machines.
There may be telnet, rlogin, and ftp,
esbut these don't access any hosts.
There may be an arsenal of cracks and malware,
but nobody ever uses them.
People enjoy reading their mail,
take pleasure in being with their newsgroups,
spend weekends working at their terminals,
delight in the doings at the site.
And even though the next system is so close
that users can hear its key clicks and biff beeps,
they are content to die of old age
without ever having gone to see it.

cialis - September 26, 2004 11:27 PM


Não consigo mandar as fotos. Vou esperar que o Luís me ajude.

Um beijo

leandra - November 10, 2003 06:35 AM

Que meiguices são essas?...2 beijos

alvaro - November 9, 2003 06:02 PM