uns tomates pra você…
O senhor que me atendeu lá no ACE no caso dos ratos, pediu meu endereço e disse que me traria uns tomates da horta dele. E trouxe mesmo! Não só tomates madurinhos, como berinjelas e abobrinhas variadas.

Na hora que ele chegou com a sua pickup antiga verdinha de filme do Sam Shepard, lembrei de um artigo que li no caderno Taste do jornal SacBee de ontem.
Lock your doors, close your drapes and steer clear of anyone carrying a suspicious grocery sack. It’s zucchini season, and home gardeners are desperate to unload their crops on anyone who even glances in their direction.
Elizabeth Green Merwin of Sacramento was so desperate to get her neighbors to take excess squash off her hands that she resorted to making disguises for them.
“I took the largest and gave them tomato eyes and noses and zucchini-slice mouths. Then I took the ‘foundlings’ to their new homes, where I left them on doorsteps,” she says.
Apparently a lot of home gardeners in the area share the same bounty – or burden, as some might call it. When we asked readers to tell us their squash woes, our mailbox overflowed like a hill of zucchini.
Reid Collins of West Sacramento says this whole zucchini supply-and-demand problem reminds him of an old joke: “In a big city, you lock your car to keep someone from stealing it. In a small town, you lock your car to keep somebody from putting a bag of zucchini on the seat.”
There is no place to hide when it’s zucchini season.
Será que a minha cestinha de tomates, berinjelas e abobrinhas também foi uma ‘desova’? Hehe!